Uniform Swap Shop

AJ Uniform Swap Shop
WHEN: Open Friday, August 16th 7:15-8:00AM
WHERE: By the gym, on the middle floor.
Kids grow so quickly—it only makes sense to share outgrown uniforms with each other! The Swap Shop is an easy way to pass on gently used school uniforms, to find new-to-you uniforms for free, or to bring your old ones and get some new ones!
The Swap Shop will be open one morning a month to pick out new clothes (usually the third Friday of the month). Clothes to share can be brought to the front office at any time.   
ALSO: Lost and Found is now located in the cafeteria, but Lost and Found items will be brought upstairs during the Swap Shop---you can go through Lost and Found and the Swap Shop at the same time!

Morning & Afternoon Traffic Procedures

(From Principal Brice's Newsletter)

At A.J. Whittenberg, safety is our first priority. As parents, your help is requested with morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up. As a reminder, an extra level of patience is requested during the first couple weeks of school. We promise, things will improve!

In an effort to maximize safety while still maintaining a reasonably speedy car line, we ask that you please adhere to the following procedures for morning drop-off and afternoon dismissal:

AM Drop-off:

  • Model proper safety procedures for your children (wear your seatbelt, do not text while operating your motor vehicle, etc.).

  • Please move through the morning car line with extreme caution.

  • As you arrive to campus, ensure that your child is ready to unload before you reach the awning/sidewalk (i.e. bookbag ready, shoes on, etc.).

  • Do not let your child unload before school doors open at 7:00am.

  • In the morning, we ask all car riders to exit the full length of the awning in one line. (Parents who wait to drop off at the front doors of the school cause the line to back up and result in unnecessary delays.)

  • Students must be dropped off in the front car loop. (If dropped off at the church or Kroc lot, students must be walked to the front by an adult.)

  • Parents should not use the bottom staff parking lot for morning drop-off or afternoon pick-up.

  • Follow the directions of all A.J. Whittenberg Staff and/or law enforcement officers while on campus.

  • Once inside the building, students should report to the cafeteria for breakfast or to the hallway of their respective grade.

  • Students arriving after 7:45, must be signed into the office by a parent/guardian.

PM Pick-up:

  • In order for a student to be released, a valid dismissal tag must be presented. Anyone without a valid dismissal tag will need to park and pick up students from the office.

  • Model proper safety procedures for your children (wear your seatbelt, do not text while operating your motor vehicle, etc.).

  • Please move through the car line with extreme caution.

  • Pick-up begins at 2:15.

  • Cars will be expected to load along the full length of the sidewalk/awning.

  • Cars should line up in the right-hand pickup lane upon entry.

  • Cars will be directed to make a second lane, left-hand lane, by AJ staff.

  • Students will be called from their classrooms, which means they could take 3-5 minutes to exit the building.

  • Late pick-ups must sign students out in the front office.

  • Follow the directions of all A.J. Whitteberg staff and/or law enforcement officers while on campus.

  • If your student does not know how to buckle themselves in their car seat, slowly pull up to the start of the line past the front doors. This will help us keep the car line going.

**Administration reserves the right to revise these procedures in the event that they present unforeseen problems or concerns**